I have 13 years’ public sector experience in law enforcement. I was previously with the Home Office here I was primarily responsible for the operational goods and services portfolio which included both traditional and digital forensics.
I can help you with…
All commercial queries regarding digital forensics by providing guidance on how to access products or services.
What was your first job in policing or forensics?
With the Home Office in 2007 where I had my first foray into digital forensics which was very much in its infancy.
What is your favourite part of your role?
Providing cost effective commercial solutions to complex problems and developing more efficient and effective ways of working.
What work in your career have you most enjoyed?
As a kids-wear buyer for Marks & Spencer (2002 – 2007) where I was responsible for an annual £40M budget. I particularly enjoyed the international aspect of developing supply chains and building relationships including travelling to some very interesting destinations.