There has been little let up in the pace of work on TF since the turn of the year. Our focus remains on the developing Forensic Capability Network (FCN) and the complexity of its design.
Whilst very much in the design phase we continue to ensure it is delivering early benefits directly to policing. Its commercial capability, established ahead of time before Christmas, has fully engaged with forensic service providers to ensure immediate market stability and develop a long-term solution.
More recently we were thrilled to welcome Debbie Pendry to the team who is leading the development of the FCN Quality capability. Her immediate aims include the release of refreshed Standards and Accreditation Work Packages, allowing forces to shape the direction of police forensics.
FCN support was bolstered by the decision of Chief Constables at their recent council meeting to support a reallocation, ‘top slice’ funding route as a preferred option for the FCN post March 2020. We will now work closely with the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners with an aim of agreeing and progressing this proposed model.
ICT discovery work has continued with forces across the country informing development of the initial activities of our community-led Dev-ops team that start with us this month.
Building on the hard work of all forces to complete our Capability Maturity Model (CMM), a thematic report has been drafted that provides a strategic overview of areas of strengths across the service and where the opportunities exist for improvement and development. We aim to share this with you in the coming weeks.
We fully appreciate the pressures that exist and the demand on everyone’s time. Every engagement and each development takes us that much closer to making our vision a reality, one that will help manage those pressures, and we thank you as ever for your on-going support.